Grey single-component quartz adhesive with mixed binder, increased open time, no vertical slip. Classified C2TE according to EN 12004. Floor and wall coverings. Interior and exterior. PROFESSIONAL…
Grey single-component quartz adhesive with mixed binder, increased open time,…
Quick-drying single-component improved cement-based adhesive with no vertical slip for glueing non-absorbent and absorbent ceramic tiles and natural stone not affected by moisture, to floors and…
Quick-drying single-component improved cement-based adhesive with no vertical…
Single-component, improved, quick-drying cement-based adhesive with no vertical slip for gluing non-absorbent and absorbent ceramic tiles and natural stone that is not sensitive to moisture to floors…
Single-component, improved, quick-drying cement-based adhesive with no vertical…
Single-component, mixed-bond quartz adhesive, increased open time, based on PTL 52.5R cements and special additives. Floor and wall coverings. Interior and exterior. PROFESSIONAL USE.
Single-component, mixed-bond quartz adhesive, increased open time, based on PTL…
Single-component, mixed-bond quartz adhesive, increased open time, no vertical slip based on PTL 52.5R cements and special additives. Floor and wall coverings. Interior and exterior. PROFESSIONAL USE.
Single-component, mixed-bond quartz adhesive, increased open time, no vertical…
Improved deformable, single-component, extended open-time cementitious adhesive with double mixing ratio for bonding ceramic tiles, vitreous mosaic and natural stone that are not sensitive to…
Single-component, deformable, quick-drying, mixed-bond quartz adhesive with no vertical slip, based on PTL 52.5R cements and special additives. Floor and wall coverings. Interior and exterior.…
Single-component, deformable, quick-drying, mixed-bond quartz adhesive with no…
Single-component, ultra-white, deformable quartz-bonded adhesive, quick drying, no vertical slip, based on PTL 52.5R cements and special additives. Floor and wall coverings. Interior and exterior.…
Deformable single-component, mixed-bond and quartz adhesive, increased open time. Based on selected PTL 52.5R cements and special additives. Zero vertical slip. Achievable thickness: 15 mm. Floor and…
Deformable single-component, mixed-bond and quartz adhesive, increased open…
Mixed-binder adhesive/levelling compound based on PTL 52.5R cements, quartz and special additives for the installation of insulating panels (cladding system) and subsequent smoothing. Interior and…
Mixed-binder adhesive/levelling compound based on PTL 52.5R cements, quartz and…
Paste adhesive based on acrylic resins, ready to use. Zero vertical slip and extended open time. Floor and wall coverings. Interior and exterior. PROFESSIONAL USE.
Paste adhesive based on acrylic resins, ready to use. Zero vertical slip and…
Solvent-free, waterproof, permanently elastic, high-performance two-component polyurethane adhesive. Ideal for laying all types of ceramic tiles, natural and reconstituted stone on any building…
Latex synthétique pour l'adjonction de ciments-colles, de préparations pour supports ou de mortiers de réparation en remplacement total ou partiel de l'eau de gâchage. Intérieur et extérieur. USAGE…
Latex synthétique pour l'adjonction de ciments-colles, de préparations pour…
Single-component grout based on special cements with high resistance to abrasion and compression such as PTL 52.5R, quartziferous aggregates and synthetic additives that give the mix excellent…
Single-component grout based on special cements with high resistance to…